English 中文
Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


Official E-mail:
Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《光照大地 Light on the earth》 No.A00370
Title:《帕米高原的家乡 Hometown in Pamirs》 No.A00566
Title:《城市霓虹1》 No.A00165
Title:《Lion Dance-Lions and Lions as wishes》 No.A00651
Title:《戏水》 No.A00138
Title:《天空镜舞 Dance in the mirror of sky》 No.A00623
Title:《袅袅炊烟 Smoke curling up》 No.A00577
Title:《篝火之夜 The Campfire Night》 No.A00278
Title:《Canine portraits》 No.A00484
Title:《龙的故乡 The Hometown of Dragon》 No.A00528
Title:《晚课结束的时刻 Evening Chant is over》 No.A00575
Title:《洛阳桥畔晨渔之获 Fish harvest near Luoyang Bridge》 No.A00430
Title:《水之劫 Trouble》 No.A00418
Title:《《晨号》》 No.A00187
Title:《协作 Cooperation》 No.A00357
Title:《Eyes》 No.A00843
Title:《Rough mountain road》 No.A00698
Title:《夕霞归舟 Boats return in sunset glow》 No.A00405

Monochrome Section

Title:《等待 Waiting》 No.B00486
Title:《努力抓住》 No.B00283
Title:《惊讶一瞬 A surprise moment》 No.B00250
Title:《陌生的眼神 Strange look》 No.B00146
Title:《彷徨》 No.B00276
Title:《世世代代有传唱 Pass down to young generations》 No.B00200
Title:《古道清风 Ancient style》 No.B00320
Title:《沉思 Meditation》 No.B00337
Title:《清澈的双眸 Clear eyes》 No.B00441
Title:《朝拜山神》 No.B00418
Title:《The Traditional Chinese Painting Style in Mountain Villages》 No.B00060
Title:《Mysterious Changbai Mountain》 No.B00215
Title:《烟火Smoke》 No.B00468
Title:《童年 Childhood》 No.B00165
Title:《演唱会,2023 Concert of 2023》 No.B00131
Title:《大地的音符 Music notes of the earth》 No.B00399
Title:《厚德载物》 No.B00042
Title:《巾帼不让须眉 Excellent as the male》 No.B00494

Exhibition Review